Playlist Curada

Playlist curada surge de las ganas de escuchar música recomendada no por algoritmos sino por amigxs. Listas musicales y canciones que nos acompañan en el día a día. A la hora de cocinar, escribir, dibujar, dormir, follar, transitar, trabajar o simplemente estar.

Playlist Curada emerges from the desire to listen to music not recommended by algorithms but by friends. Songs that go along with us in our daily lives. When cooking, writing, drawing, sleeping, fucking, walking, working, or just be.


Curated by Raul Hott

Una playlist para hacer el amor.

A playlist to make love.

Bailando sentadxs

Curated by Eliana Otta

Música para romper la rutina frente a la computadora y mover el cuerpo.

Music to break the routine in front of the computer and move the body.


Curated by Fabiana Faleiros

Uma playlist recomendada por meu amiga e não por um algoritmo

A playlist recommended by a friend and not by an algorithm.

The Greek

Curated by Helmut Batista

Un soundtrack para entender Atenas y sus sonidos.

A soundtrack to better understand Athens and its sounds.

Balmes 88

Curated by Carolina Bonfim

Una lista de música electrónica para el after.

A playlist of electronic music for the after party.

Hikikomori Karaoke

Curated by Luciana Ponte

Una invitación al paraíso antisocial para cantar a solas en casa.

Welcome to an antisocial paradise to sing alone at home.


Curated by Jari Malta

42 canciones de placer y dolor, subidones y bajones, deseos y desamores.

42 songs of pleasure and pain, highs and lows, desires and heartbreaks. 

Entre siestas

Curated by María Emilia Fernández

Una playlist para despertar (o empezar) la siesta a media tarde.

A playlist to wake up (or start) a mid-afternoon nap.


Curated by Ana Gallardo

Cumbias para bailar con filtro antimachista.

Cumbias to dance with an anti-macho filter.

Monerías varias

Curated by Sylvia Aguilar

Canciones para escribir.

A soundtrack to write.

Abrite de ahí

Curated by Lucía Piedra

Cuando la cosa se pone con turbulencias escucha tus instintos; a ritmo de corredera, de arrebato loco sin más, corre, abrite de ahí!

When things get turbulent, listen to your instincts; at a runner’s pace, in a mad rush, just run, get out of there!

Si mercurio retrógrado

Curated by Fito Conesa

Canciones para decir lo que nunca dijiste, para regalar a las amigas…

Songs to say what you never said, to give to friends… 

Música para dibujar un mismo objeto

Curated by Carlota Juncosa

La música puede llegar muy hondo al cerebro. Esta lista es una invitación a dibujar.

Music can go deep into the brain. This list is an invitation to draw.

Discutir lindo

Curated by Alan Sierra

Recorrido emocional para la resolución de conflictos.

An emotional journey for conflict resolution.

Dream baby

Curated by Elisa Malo

Una playlist sobre la fuerza de los sueños.

A playlist about the power of dreams.

Maybe not

Curated by Laura González Palacios for Chiquita Room

Una playlist para los momentos entre noche y vigilia, las transiciones y los espacios en suspensión previos a soñar.

A playlist for the moments between night and wakefulness, the transitions and the suspended spaces before dreaming.

There Must Be Justice Playlist Album

Curated by El Palomar

Playlist from «THERE MUST BE JUSTICE» an álbum by El Palomar focused on gender-dissident artists produced by non-cis-gendered people.


Curated by Olivier Collet

Una Playlist para estar en casa con la mente puesta en la música de club.

A playlist to be at home while feeling at the club.

De Perras, Lobas y Piedras

Curated by Lolita Pank

Ser 𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖘, ponerse 𝖑𝖔𝖇𝖆𝖘 o dejar 𝖕𝖎𝖊𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖘 para que no pasen, una playlist curada por Lolita Pank.

Being 𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖆𝖘, becoming 𝖑𝖔𝖇𝖆𝖘, or throwing 𝖕𝖎𝖊𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖘 so they do not pass by Lolita Pank



Dancing Diversity

Curated by Diversorium

Diversorium promotes processes of transversality and intersectionality among all people, generating knowledge and dialogue of diversities


Curated by Cory Scozzari

Una playlist para lxs piscis: emocional, sweet & deep. Canciones para conducir en el coche después de haber vivido algo potente… 

1st. Anniversary Playlist

Some funk, reguetón & fun of our favourite Dj’s Eliana Otta (a.k.a DjFlaquita) and Fabiana Faleiros (a.k.a DjLadyIncentivo)

La indepe: Reino Colombia

Curated by Yasodari Sánchez

Una playlist sobre los movimientos sonideros de la colonia Independencia en Monterrey, Nuevo León.


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